Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Goats Have A New House

Way back in January during the winter that wasn't, we started fencing a new pasture / browse area for our does. We were able to finish the fencing and get the goats out into their new area in early April so they could enjoy the blackberries, alder bushes, weeds and grass that were beginning to spring up everywhere. You can read about our fencing adventures here if you like:

Munching blackberries.

We also needed to provided housing.  We debated back and forth about refurbishing an old shed or building a shiny new goat shed in our back yard near our deck.  We chose the shiny new shed near the deck.

Start of construction with kids helping.

The goat shed has a wrap-around deck and half of it has a floor.  It is currently a summer barn so it is pretty open.  If we use it for winter we will enclose it a bit more.  It is also small.  Hopefully it will help keep our herd from over-expanding.  Yeah, right!

Front of the completed shed.
Rear view. There is a goat-door that will eventually open out to another
section of pasture.

The milkers are checking out their new accomodations.

Our herd queen has appropriated the deck.

Kitchen view

We enjoy having our goats close by so we can observe them. Too bad there are not any in this picture. We often sit on our front porch and goat watch. Now we can sit on our deck and watch goats too.  We can also see our new little barn from the kitchen window and the upstairs window.  The other goat barn is right outside the front door and bedroom window.  I think there is a theme developing here.


  1. I know this is a silly question, but except for the all consuming daily care, do you think you're done with goat projects for a little while?

    1. Nope :-) We're still finishing the barn/pasture in the front field along the driveway. The field is nearly fenced and the barn is partly under roof. I'll probably move the bucks there. And then there is the matter of the new purebred LaMancha doe we just got last weekend. I'm thinking LaMancha-Land has to go somewhere.... Then there is the booklet for the goat class I'm teaching this fall not to mention that I sort of committed to showing a few kids in Summersville at the goat show in July...

  2. And young people think all old fogies do in retirement is sit on the porch in their rocking chairs. LOL

    1. Farming definitely doesn't fit the typical retirement image. Good thing I don't own a rocking chair. I might be tempted to try it out.

  3. Very nicely done. I like their new shed and I'm sure they do too.

  4. Thanks Karen. I tried to get it mostly done then let the goats tell me what else I need to add for their convenience and pleasure :-) The front part is pen to the deck for summer but I'll close it off if I use it in winter. I'll probably also add a platform inside but that will have to wait a while. At least they are able to use it now.

  5. Shelley, I'm curious about why you raise goats. They are fabulously adorable. Do you breed and sell? Do you breed for meat? Cheese? What's your motivation? My husband is very eager to add a few goats and I enjoy reading about your experiences!

  6. Susan, My initial motivation was primarily to have a home dairy so I could drink all the milk and make all the yogurt and cheese I wanted :-) After having goats, I have fallen for their great personalities and I just love having them around. We now maintain a small herd of Nigerians for milking and and sell kids when the goats kid. Some are for pets and some are sold as breeding stock. We also are starting with mini-LaManchas, a cross between Nigerian Dwarf (usually a buck) and a LaMancha doe. Goats are great fun, just do your homework as to why you want goats (meat, milk etc) and choose a breed that suits your goals. Also, give careful consideration to obtaining healthy goats.
