Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Fencing - Update

In a previous post I talked about our project to fence a new area for the goats.

Goat browse area.
We started putting up wire a couple of weeks ago on a nice January day. We already had put up most of the posts except for a few extra gate posts we added as we went along.
We fenced in an area next to the house that will be a place where goat kids can play in a large grassy area.  There is access to the larger goat field and the big goats can help keep it mowed in the summer.     

Using ATV with come-a-long to stretch wire.


Kid play area.

Hauling wire on ATVs.

I'm ecstatic to report that our fencing project was completed on January 31, well ahead of our plan to get it done this spring.  There are still a few odds and ends to do and we need to make a few simple livestock panel gates but as soon as a bit of food starts to grow in a month or two, the goats will have a nice area to browse.  Now I can start on my shed conversion and hopefully have their barn finished this spring.  Yippee!

To celebrate, we spent a few minutes sitting on the porch gazing at our completed fence.  Don had a special beer and I indulged in an Ale8-1 which I have been reserving for a VERY special occasion.


  1. That's amazing. You must have been very focused.

  2. It's nice to see that someone is enjoying this strange weather we are having and getting things done around their farms! Congratulations!

  3. Angela, We have been very fortunate to get a lot done this winter because in another few weeks we'll be up to our ears in Nigerian Dwarf kids and I'll be really busy taking care of them. Such hard work but it sure is fun :-)
